Planning budgets

Budgets and costs can be distributed to the following MARMIND® object types:

  • Workspace
  • Campaign
  • Project
  • Action

Select for example, the top level of your campaign structure, the workspace, and then click on Budget on the navigation bar.

The table to the right shows the budget groups defined by the administrator (here: events, external services, HR, online advertising, press & pr, print media, R&D, tools & subscriptions) and the structure of the planning period of the year 2022 (here: FY2022).

At the bottom the totals of all assigned budgets is automatically summed up.

By clicking in the table, you can - if you have the rights - plan your budget now, comment on each field via the pencil symbol in mouse-over and fix it by clicking on "save" in the next steps menu.


Now follows the top-down assignment of the above-planned sub-budgets to the different campaigns and underlying projects, by selecting the individual objects in the navigation tree.

(Depending on the setting, it is also possible to decouple the budget distribution from your campaign structure – see chapter Planning period)

When you click in the budget table of the campaign, MARMIND® displays the remaining budget per breakdown and per budget group.