
The organization is located at the highest level of the hierarchy, also known as the “root node” or “root”. This is generated during the implementation of MARMIND®, from here all other sub-objects are created. Administrators and super administrators must have full access rights here.

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Virtual root node

Users who do not have access to the top level can still see the organization object in the navigation tree: This is the so-called "virtual root node" (The virtual root node is only available for areas with the "Show sublevels" view option. The function of the virtual root node does not apply to the other areas, which is why they are grayed out in the navigation bar.). It is used to be able to use cross-object views. It is ensured that the respective user can only see those elements for which he has the appropriate authorizations.

An example: The user "Demo User" has the guest role and only has access to various actions. Objects above, such as campaigns, are not displayed in its navigation tree. Using the virtual root, he now has the option, e.g. in the asset list to display the assets of all actions to which he has access.